World Impact Summit


Dr. Azrague is Senior Researcher at SINTEF. He holds a M.Sc. (2002) and a PhD (2005) in Chemistry from the University Paul Sabatier, France. He has been working with SINTEF since 2009, both in scientific and management positions. He has a broad expertise on water treatment (drinking water, wastewater, stormwater) as well as sustainability assessment (e.g. LCA, LCC). Azrague has participated to several EU projects with focus on water (e.g. TECHNEAU, PREPARED, TRUST, RASORGMAT) and is participating to EU projects related to circular economy (e.g. Wider Uptake, B-WaterSmart, Plasticircle). Azrague is a key personal in the Norwegian Research-Based Innovation Center (SFI) Klima 2050, leading a task on innovative stormwater treatment solutions. Azrague is leading the working group Nature Based Solutions at Water Europe. He has published more than 40 articles in scientific journals and international conferences.

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