Democracy & Climate Panel – World Impact Summit 2019
Each year, the World Impact Summit questions, investigates and attempts to integrate the notion of positive impact within each public and private organization. In a constantly changing world, requiring adaptation and a complete paradigm shift, we want to position the content of our event at the heart of current concerns: aligning its business model with impact reduction objectives, raising awareness and training employees, producing better with fewer natural resources, or financing the transition!

These issues are at the heart of the event’s DNA, since its creation in 2018. To address the notion of positive impact, we have decided to open the discussions around a great cause each year. In 2021, water was put in the spotlight, as a common good and connector between all human activities and living organisms!
Despite the exchanges and interactions created, the challenges have never been so numerous. This is why we will continue to promote content from our partners and our network of exceptional speakers to advance this issue in people’s minds.
Yann Arthus Bertrand Exhibition – Honorary Dinner – World Impact Summit 2021
In 2022, how to innovate differently?
Fifty years ago, the Club of Rome’s report – The Limits to Growth – was published, presenting the consequences of an infinite economic growth based on the exploitation of natural resources. Despite its conclusions, the recent IPCC reports and the worldwide mobilizations, mentalities are changing only very slowly. Technological innovations continue to accelerate. But we continue to reach new planetary limits. Coupled with the current diplomatic context, everything leads us to think that a chosen sobriety is to be favored, before it becomes one day suffered by all.
The human capacity to innovate is however phenomenal. We have managed to develop breakthrough technologies, to transform our ways of interacting and collaborating, and to gain access to new scientific knowledge! Faced with climate change and its many consequences, we are capable of creating virtuous and resilient models. It is time to innovate in the service of sobriety.
This is why we believe that it is urgent to change our conception of innovation. It must be put at the service of people and the preservation of our natural resources. Let us innovate in our way of being and collaborating in the service of the causes that bring us together.
This progress, both technological and social, must be marked by the ability to adopt a holistic approach, integrating all the components (scientific, technological, industrial, socio-economic, ecological, functional and aesthetic) that we have at our disposal.
Based on this question – How to innovate differently? – the World Impact Summit, its partners, speakers and exhibitors will cross seven tracks during the two days of the summit:
Spaces for expression of all kinds
Each year, the event welcomes you in numerous spaces to present your solutions, debate the challenges of the ecological transition or explore new methods and strategies.
The main Agora
The main Agora will serve as a place for debate and interaction, to make your messages and aspirations loud and clear. Located at the heart of the event and designed to accommodate a large audience, it will serve as a springboard to present your innovations, commitments and projects for the transition to positive impact.
Blue Economy Roundtable – World Impact Summit 2019

The workshops

Designed around our desire to bring subjects in a more technical way, these scenes allow a more targeted and restricted audience to deal with various themes, such as eco-design, governance, recruitment, communication or purchasing. The aim of these discussion sessions is to help participants to quickly take action thanks to the tools, feedback and experts present.
Workshop dedicated to eco-design – World Impact Summit 2021

The voice of solutions
Developed for all the solutions present at the event (500+), this stage aims to give a voice to innovators so that they can present their project in a few minutes in front of an audience of potential financiers and partners. At the heart of the village, this stage can also be used as a demonstrator and gives the opportunity to any actor to demonstrate, by example, that it is possible to accelerate the transition.
Pitch of the “Bac à Marée” solution, developed by the T.E.O La Rochelle cooperative – World Impact Summit 2021