World Impact Summit

Patricia RICARD

Patricia Ricard has been nominated to the Presidency of the Oceanographic Institute
Paul Ricard in 2005 and has been actively engaged in environmental protection for over 30

Under her Presidency she has made it a priority to bring light to the crucial role of the Ocean
in addressing climate change and has devoted her energy to raise awareness among citizens
and policy makers.

Between 2010 and 2015 she was also involved with the French Economic, Social and  Environmental Council (CESE) for which she produced a report on biomimicry on the  promotion of nature and science-based solutions.  

Since then, she’s been the Vice-President of the Ocean & Climate Platform, a consortium of  70 major organisations acting for Ocean conservation. She helps build bridges between  science and policy makers within the framework of the SDGs 13 and 14 and advocates for the  inclusion of the ocean in the UNCCC Agenda.  

In 2019, she co-led the workstream on “building resilience for marine ecosystems” of the One  Planet Lab, an initiative of President Macron, whose resulting outputs and recommendations  were presented at the One Planet Summits in Nairobi and in Biarritz on the sidelines of the  G7. She has also been nominated Head of the French Delegation for the Summit of the Two  Shores.

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