World Impact Summit

The association

L'association Impact Summit s'engage

The Impact Summit association was born from a conviction: our territories, our cities and our villages are full of solutions to effectively combat the ecological crisis. Very often, without financial means, without networks and without notoriety, these positive solutions are forgotten.

The Impact Summit association aims to raise awareness among citizens about the ecological crisis we are experiencing and to support and promote these concrete solutions for the planet, particularly through the World Impact Summit, the annual event of solutions for the planet.

Join the association

The World Impact Summit association is currently recruiting ambassadors (volunteers) to create links with local communities and represent the association.

Act for the climate…

At home, in the street or at the office, I can concretely reduce my environmental impact by changing my practices.

Find out how!

At home

More and more of us want to reduce our environmental impact: controlling energy consumption, reducing waste and carbon footprint, responsible consumption, etc.

In the public space

We are increasingly mobile, we move within cities and in the countryside to reach our workplace or for leisure, we discover the world on vacation. But what is the impact of our journeys on the planet?

At work

We spend an average of 99,117 hours at work. It is therefore normal that we think about the impact of our professional activity and how to reduce it and help others to do so by launching good practices.

To go further

Here is a selection of pre-selected tools and tutorials to support you in your process:

MyCO2 experimental conferences

World Impact Summit - Je mesure mon empreinte carbone, je comprends l’impact carbone de mes actions, j’agis au niveau individuel et collectif

If you have any other suggestions for resources, ideas or solutions for the climate, please share them!

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